
The businessman worked long yesterday
Fourteen hours worked again today
All to get cash to buy some new thing
No time for a life, he goes on living

As he walks to work, a man asks the time,
He says look up as the clock tower chimes
The other sees 9 as he walks towards Thyme’s

A late start today thinks the man to himself
Usually by now, he’s moved off the top shelf
The best drinks first, then the strong but cheap
Lives in his glass, buries himself deep

As he enters the bar, he’s asked for some change
Walks right on by, no words exchanged
The passed man sighs, thinking him strange…

He looked as poor as me, yet he only drinks
If I had the ability I’d save some methinks
Make sure I never have to beg from the likes of him
If only I could stand tall on my lost legs again

Well, here comes one of my quite gracious friends
An older lady stops and talks because of her sins
Her guilt compels her to atone so she might get in

What an unfortunate circumstance for poor Sam!
Hell, he’s older than me and he still calls me ma’am
I can’t believe our we won’t take care of our own!
At least one day we’ll worship at the same throne…

What in the world are those people there wearing?
As she walks by, she can hear them quietly swearing
They swear at her and everyone else that’s staring

“Check that lady out!” one of the ones in black said
The farthest back chimes in “Doesn’t she know God is dead?”
“Fuck it.” The short one replies as he takes a long drag
“Fuck you” says someone else rolling a  zig-zag fag

The group then notices a young guy listening to rap
As a collective, they make fun and swear at the sap
Tim thinks to himself these people should be on a map

They’re always here talking about nothing and smoking
I’d rather die than become an all black nihilist fuckling.
I may be walking alone but at least I still have myself
Those pieces of shit are all just afraid to think for themselves.

As he walks by listening to some guy he knows nothing about
He starts wobbling and seeing spots and soon passes out
A man who watched from afar walks up and reaches out

The young man won’t wake up, suffered a severe stroke
The nihilists are secretly jealous as each in turn tokes
The old lady is just as helpless as she is with her peace
The poor man can no longer even get off his fleece
The partier is in too deep a stupor to even know what’s up
The businessman is too engrossed in work to look up

But this man that was on the other side did as he could
He praised his God as he prayed Him to do as he would
The stroked young man lay there dead as Jesus whispers
To himself and to his God with no interrupters

Tim wearily opens his eyes and looks up at his Savior
He had been on the other side, but now here he is
Staring into the face of a middle-aged Mexican
The same he would soon helplessly watch die


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