
The darkness around you is not darkness, it is absence of lightBut how can there be darkness if there is light?
Open your eyes and the darkness disappears
It was never there at all, we simply preferred the dark
Close your eyes and open them to the light
Open them again and choose what you might

The day has come

Great is this day that has come at last
Even though it was always to come
Sometimes I wished it would come here fast
At others, I feared it might come

Even in its beauty I saw Dark
Even in its darkness I saw Light
Though the contrast is quite stark
For darkness is dark and light is bright

As Janus, it depends on the side
For the day that came is both
If you cast your reality aside
Choose this day for withering or growth

Great is this day that has come at last
Even though it was always to come
Great is this day that has come at last
Though there is dark, I do not succumb!
Great is this day that has come at last
Into the light this child has come!

Shared Time

To the times I have shared
When our lives crossed paths
Even if they continued on
Without coming back
To y’all I must say
I’m glad we crossed paths
I’m glad if we danced
I’m glad if we cried
I’m just glad we shared time
In this blink of the cosmic eye
Billions live here at this time
Billions more in times gone by
trillions more to live and die
Maybe none after you read this line
But no matter how hard anyone tries,
None can ever take away the times
That we have shared on this earth
In this blink of the cosmic eye
And for this we must agree
You are special to me and I to you
For who knows when we might die,
But none can take away shared time

From Meta to All of you


Life is a struggle | Life is beautiful

The world isn’t fair | You get what you deserve

Patience is a virtue | Don’t wait for success to find you, go get it

Best not to rush into things | Inaction is the worst kind of action

Best to let your emotions out | Be strong

Stop and smell the roses | Don’t be late!

Be your own teacher | Learn from everyone and everything

Keep your opinions to yourself | Give him a piece of your mind

Nothing stays the same | Nothing new under the sun

Pain is temporary | Life is suffering

I pledge allegiance to the flag | Never cleave to anything

It’s only a matter of perspective | Any way you look at it

Truth is eternal | Nothing is absolute

Nothing lasts forever | God

There’s one out there for everyone | There’s many fish in the sea

There are no accidents | MY TOE!

Time is money | It’s just money

You only get one shot | Life is cyclical

Education is important | Knowledge encumbers

Don’t worry about the past or future, be present | Learn from the past, live in the present, hope for the future.

You are constantly changing | What’s your name?

Don’t make anything an idol | Make pilgrimages to see the relics

Love is all there is | Don’t attach yourself to the world

In the beginning… | Big Bang

Don’t talk to strangers | Strangers are friends I haven’t met yet.

Don’t worry about the outcome, enjoy the journey | Grades, job security etc.

You are a ____ | You are uniquely you

Seek unity | Live and love the contradictions

Atman is within us all | We are born sinners

We are one | We are individual beings

Fire destroys | Fire renews

Death is the just the beginning | Death is the end.

Take your pick 😉



What’s the word I’m looking for?
Whore, sore, can’t think of any more
Should I just look it up?
Wait floor, gore, shore, there’s some more
None of this will work where I want them to
Wait door, lore, tore, but I’m looking for a two
This may be pretty tough,
open up a tab feelin kinda rough
Rat’s whore, seashore, many more.
But none of the words I’m looking for
Proper names could work just fine
Endoor, Rathore, Gryffindor!
So many ways to finish a rhyme
On second thought, these’ll work just fine


The Gem

Searching, searching, always searching
for some gem that can’t be found
Knowing it is, but not where it is
Knowing it never can be found
All else fails, yet gives a glint
A hint of the gem resides within
Within the pages of a book,
Within the look of a flowing brook
Within the cycles of each year
Within the rhythms of love and fear
But most of all, within the man
‘Cause there’s nothing left to scan
For when all fails nothing’s left
And no thing has passed the test
For this gem, it is no thing
Because this gem, it’s everything
Its truth resounds beyond all time
For this gem is not in time
Out of time and out of space
It just is and will always be
Some call it god, I call it me
You call it you, all call it we
With all searching done, just be
All for one and one for all
‘Cause all is one and one is all
