Shared Time

To the times I have shared
When our lives crossed paths
Even if they continued on
Without coming back
To y’all I must say
I’m glad we crossed paths
I’m glad if we danced
I’m glad if we cried
I’m just glad we shared time
In this blink of the cosmic eye
Billions live here at this time
Billions more in times gone by
trillions more to live and die
Maybe none after you read this line
But no matter how hard anyone tries,
None can ever take away the times
That we have shared on this earth
In this blink of the cosmic eye
And for this we must agree
You are special to me and I to you
For who knows when we might die,
But none can take away shared time

From Meta to All of you

I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence
Fear is such a weak emotion that’s why I despise it
We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth
So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you
Sometimes I’m like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I’m locked inside a cell in me, I know that there’s a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through


I think that all the sile…

Passers by

I sit and watch all the passers by
Passing by without seeing a thing
They pass by without batting an eye
Without so much as even thinking

Once wondrous things now mundane
All things resembling one from memory
While different, its more or less the same
That tree, that car, that guy right there: me

That oak, that mazda, this tan white guy
Nothing shocks, inspires, or intrigues
All hardly noticed as they go passing by
Paying attention at all mentally fatigues

So i sit and i wonder what life do i lead?
Is it really so different from the passers by?
As i sit at my booth simply waiting to feed
On a cheese and pepperoni pizza pie…



Onward down the number line!
From 1, I go to 1.5
Halfway to 2, I’m almost through
With what I was told I could not do
See, I was told I could not reach 2
By jumping halfway each time my number grew
How silly this concept now seems to me,
for the number two, I can already see!
So I jump on up to 1.75
Close enough to give a 1.875
I’m 7/8ths there, not much left
.875 roasted to my left!
Jump forward to .9375,
I did not move very far that time.
Still less, less and less each time I move
It seems I have no more room to move
But each time I jump, it seems to me,
That 2 is moving farther from me
Rapidly, I approach it now!
In exasperation I stop and say wow
For no longer am I seeming to grow
And now within I finally know
I am stuck on this number line
As the number 1.999…
And yet I remember a mathematical proof
I’m number two and here’s the proof.
Now It seems to me i’m not quite two
But how does it seem according to you?



Life is a struggle | Life is beautiful

The world isn’t fair | You get what you deserve

Patience is a virtue | Don’t wait for success to find you, go get it

Best not to rush into things | Inaction is the worst kind of action

Best to let your emotions out | Be strong

Stop and smell the roses | Don’t be late!

Be your own teacher | Learn from everyone and everything

Keep your opinions to yourself | Give him a piece of your mind

Nothing stays the same | Nothing new under the sun

Pain is temporary | Life is suffering

I pledge allegiance to the flag | Never cleave to anything

It’s only a matter of perspective | Any way you look at it

Truth is eternal | Nothing is absolute

Nothing lasts forever | God

There’s one out there for everyone | There’s many fish in the sea

There are no accidents | MY TOE!

Time is money | It’s just money

You only get one shot | Life is cyclical

Education is important | Knowledge encumbers

Don’t worry about the past or future, be present | Learn from the past, live in the present, hope for the future.

You are constantly changing | What’s your name?

Don’t make anything an idol | Make pilgrimages to see the relics

Love is all there is | Don’t attach yourself to the world

In the beginning… | Big Bang

Don’t talk to strangers | Strangers are friends I haven’t met yet.

Don’t worry about the outcome, enjoy the journey | Grades, job security etc.

You are a ____ | You are uniquely you

Seek unity | Live and love the contradictions

Atman is within us all | We are born sinners

We are one | We are individual beings

Fire destroys | Fire renews

Death is the just the beginning | Death is the end.

Take your pick 😉



What’s the word I’m looking for?
Whore, sore, can’t think of any more
Should I just look it up?
Wait floor, gore, shore, there’s some more
None of this will work where I want them to
Wait door, lore, tore, but I’m looking for a two
This may be pretty tough,
open up a tab feelin kinda rough
Rat’s whore, seashore, many more.
But none of the words I’m looking for
Proper names could work just fine
Endoor, Rathore, Gryffindor!
So many ways to finish a rhyme
On second thought, these’ll work just fine


Doo den da doo

Sittin on the porch and smokin a cig
No one else here but can ya dig
Not feelin alone though it’s the case
Ain’t no one here to share this space
Alone with my thoughts and lettin em flow
Wrote this song just so youd know
If you cain’t be alone without reachin out
Your life’s as empty as a dried up spout
So if I’m right on and that’s what’s up
Just follow these lines don’t look her up
Find a still space and grab a seat
If you so want then bring a sheet
Don’t forget the pen cause you’ll need it too
Though some things you won’t are your phone and crew
Take a deep breathe and follow this tune
Doo den da doo doo da doo da doo
Whatever comes out you can sing aloud
And since you’re alone you can be quite loud
Doo den da doo doo da doo da doo
Transform this tune you can do it too


I am.

I am a point.
I am a line.
I am a plane.
I am infinite space.
What am I?
I exist in 0-dimensions.
I exist in 1-dimension.
I exist in two-dimensions.
I exist in three-dimensions.
I exist in infinite dimensions.
I have nowhere to move.
I can move left or right.
I can move left, right, up, and down.
I can move left, right, up, down, forwards and backwards.
I can move in infinite directions.
People use me to define places.
People use me to count.
People use me to draw.
People exist within me.
I use.
I am indefinable.
I require two dimensions to exist.
I require three-dimensions to exist.
I require four-dimensions to exist.
I exist.
I am infinitely small.
I am infinitely long.
I am infinitely long and wide.
I am infinitely long, wide, and deep
I am infinitely infinite.
I am a point. I make up lines.
I am a line. I make up planes
I am a plane. I make up space.
I am infinite space. I make up hyperspace.
I am.


The Seed

Knowledge, the primeval seed
Picked up and stored ’til there’s need
Sometimes presented, sometimes unused
Always there, waits to be used

Until one day, understanding
The knowledge has taken root
Accidentally standing
Brand new roots quickly grow shoots

Some insight transformed knowledge
Some water got in out of sight
Seeped in the bag from some ledge
Some seeds germinate then light

Understanding growing now
Nutrients, water and light
Grows in spurts look at it now
Flowers in bloom, colors bright

Seeks out its kin, finds none here
Its flowers unfertilized
No other trees anywhere
All areas uncolonized

Then one day, pollen finds him
It floated in from within
Sitting, listening to a hymn
Not trying, not searching sin

Fertilized finally!
Look now, the first fruit appeared
And there another, quickly
Within, wisdom quite revered

Knowledge applied, a tree
Understanding lies within
Fruit signaled the death of me
With wisdom, I now begin
